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Jun 15, 2015

Rough Puff Pastry

8 ounces cold unsalted butter, cut in 1/2 inch cubes,
freeze for 20 minutes
6.8 ounces all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
2.4 ounces ice water

While butter is freezing, in work bowl of standing mixer fitted with paddle, blend together flour and salt.  Scatter frozen butter over dry ingredients and mix until coated with flour and butter pieces are as large as a walnut.  With mixer running, add water and blend until dough just barely comes together.  Transfer to a floured work surface and pat into a 4 inch by 8 inch rectangle.  Fold into thirds like a business letter and roll out to a 4 x 8 inch rectangle again.  Refrigerate 20 minutes.  Roll out and fold twice.  Refrigerate 20 minutes.  Roll and fold for the last time.  Dough is ready to be used at this point.  Refrigerate and freeze before use.


Recipe comes from Chef Tech Cooking School's Pro Baking, Classical French, series of classes.

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